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Psychosomatic Disease

What are psychosomatic disorders?

A psychosomatic disorder is an ailment that links the mind and body, where psychological tensions influence physiological functioning, leading to the onset of disease or exacerbating pre-existing conditions. It is also known as psycho-physiologic disorder. The Common manifestations include fatigue, insomnia, aches and pains such as muscle or back pain, high blood pressure (hypertension), breathing difficulties (dyspnea or shortness of breath), indigestion (upset stomach), headaches, migraines, and erectile dysfunction (impotence).

Why a holistic approach to psychosomatic disorders?

The goal of psychosomatic therapy is to restore equilibrium in the mental, emotional, and physical realms. This approach is employed when areas of stress, tension, and unease become evident. Adopting a holistic strategy for addressing mental health conditions entails offering comprehensive support that encompasses the individual’s entirety, not solely their mental well-being. This encompasses addressing physical, social, and spiritual aspects of well-being. Combining holistic health practises with psychiatric approaches can yield the best possible outcomes.

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